Thursday 24 May 2012

That bundle of joy!!!

I saw a very cute baby yesterday..Oyinda Fadipe's niece and the cute blessing inspired me to write this. So here goes...

I don’t even have the right words to express how I feel about them. My heart actually skips a beat when I see one for the first time, wrapped up in that shawl like a golden egg, help like a priceless ornament….New borns! They bring out the wonder in God.
They have this aura of peace around them and when I just take some time to share in their quiet peace, I feel refreshed like a river of calm and peace just washed over me. I share that feeling that they always have. That BLISS. It’s refreshing. And that’s how I know that they’re the luckiest creatures on earth. They have no worries, they know not what trouble is, they have no hatred, anger, hunger, they don’t even know the importance of the air they breathe. No one hates them, everyone takes care of them and holds them tight lest they fall. And all they do is smile. Eat. Sleep. And when they cry, the whole world is at their beck and call.
Such wonderful gifts. If only we could all borrow a leaf from their books and learn that the world can be such a beautiful place if all the hatred, anger, jealousy didn’t exist. If everyone was courteous to the next person. How calm and peaceful the world would be if everyone would just say something nice. Who says you cant be committed to making someone smile everyday. Who says that a world where everyone walks about with a smile everyday is not feasible?
These new borns experience the best of life because of their purity. God blesses them and takes care of them and they don’t even worry.not even the tiniest bit. If only we could be like them,life would be just the way it’s supposed to be………..BLISSFUL……

Tuesday 20 March 2012


Hurray! its my baby sister's birthday!! *whoop!! whoop!!!*
I'm actually preparing for a test I have in two days but its my sister's birthday and since i'm not home to even give her a gift,I decided to take a little break and do this for her!
 My baby sister is getting old oh!...I remember when she was born..just like yesterday(its no figure of speech,I actually do).
All those times when we used to struggle to carry you when you were a't mind that we all look grown and pretty now,we actually used to fight to carry you and sometimes I was so scared that pieces of your little body would end up on the was that intense. (I know you think this is because you were such a cute baby...well..).
I also remember those times when you used to be the first to wake up in the house and then you'll climb the bed and plant kisses on all our faces..or bite us..I think it depended on the dreams you had (do babies dream?). Well I don't know,all I know that even in my sleep,I used to look forward to those moments and also say a silent prayer that mine would be a kiss.
You were soo CUTE!
And then you grew up!......and you started asking for milo!the food drink of future champions..and you used to ask for it at the oddest times like when we were about to sleep or when we were watching a movie and being the youngest, mummy would always ask me to go and make it for you.arrrgh!..but i still loved you. :).
You are a darling and you've grown up so fast!sometimes I just wish u never grew up cos now the words you say ehn...smh.
There are sooo many things to write but that would mean failing my test so I'll just stop here.
Here's a little prayer for you before i go:
May the Lord add many more years to your life and cause you to excel from glory to glory.You shall be the best anong your peers.You will do exceedingly great things through Christ.You shall grow to be extraordinary.You will have no cause to sorrow or weep throughout your life and your wisdom shall increase with your years.You will be celebrated all over the world and the Lord shall grant you peace and cause you to prosper.
                                                Happy birthday lollipop.

                                                 WE LOVE YOU!!!!

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Fashion gone wRoNG!!!

It's a colorful world!!!
   These days people have become more outgoing in their fashion sense.People now wear bolder colors and are actually comfortable in it for instance one of my friends actually wore a pink skirt to class today! Last year, she won't have dared it! I even own a pair of orange pants (which i actually wear) and guess what?? RED pant trousers are on the way! *whoop whoop!* I must be a fashionista by fire by force! At least i think thats all it takes to be called a fashionista these days its like this; if you can wear at least five  bright colors on your body (at the same time) and actually go out of your room, you are a fashionista and if you now have the additional talent or being able to color BLOCK...damn!then you are a  freaking fashion mogul!
    I particularly love this color blocking trend but the big question is(and i really mean big): CAN WE ALL DO IT? ......Make no mistake, I'm not here to teach you how to dress or how to color block,after all I'm just an aspiring color blocker myself. Anyways here are some pictures of some CB attempts:

I really don't know what Cheryl Cole was trying to do here..probably trying to get the colors to fight..all I know is that I don't like this.

Where to start from with this??????.....all i know is that this is a horrible injustice to colors and it shold be a punishable offence. Like seriously Mr. are you gonna get girls dressed like this?..apparently your dress sense works for you!

 I still don't know if I like this combo.Two really beautiful colors but should they be worn together even in this era of color blocking??...I just know that I love this combo so much and I really hate it!

What was Malin Akerman trying to do??unite these colors? No darling,human beings can be united but these colors..they can never become one! sorry hun, but your attempt at creating world peace has failed so wipe the smile off your face.

 This is just wrong.such cruelty to innocent colors.

The misconception about CB is that you can just throw on different colors as you like but here's the scoop: color blocking is mixing colors that match but contrast.
NOTE: If you don't have style,CB would look like a huge mess on you.Don't color block at the risk of your style,incorporate color blocking into your style.

But hey,if you're a "must-be-a-fashionista" like me,then you have the liberty to wear anything! after all who needs style when we've got colors? You have nothing to lose honey so JUST DO IT!

Friday 14 October 2011


He did it again today. Mummy had gone out and it was just two of us left in the house. I was in the kitchen cleaning the snails she asked me to clean before she came back. There were 65 pieces of them and I hadn't even gone halfway yet but I was tired already. I was on the 12th one when he shouted my name from his room,

 "Ronke! Ronke!!. Are you deaf?. Are you not in this house?"
 I dropped the snail I was holding at once and sprinted to his room. I could have won an Olympic race with that speed.


"You this cursed child.Didn't you hear me shouting your name? I've been calling you for the past one hour and you pretended not to hear me abi? let your mother come back first you insolent brat."

"Daddy I'm sorry sir, but I answered as soon as I heard my name"

"You bastardchild! Are you calling me a liar? Ko ni da fun e. I will show u pepper today. First of all have you taken your bath today?"

"Yes sir"

"Very good. Oya take off your clothes na, abi you want me to be telling you everything ni? silly idiot."

"Daddy please. Please sir. I'm not feeling very well today."

"I think there's something wrong in your medulla. Oh I see, your mother has started teaching you how to be rude abi? What does the bible say about obeying your parents?"

"Daddy please. I beg you in the name of God"

"Omo oshi ni e oh. Oya before i open my eyes I want to see those two things on your chest staring at me without respect."

He started walking to the back of his wardrobe. I knew what was coming next. I knew he was going to bring out his cane and flog the daylight out of me so I took off my clothes as fast as I could and closed my eyes to the horror that was coming next.

He came so close to me that I could smell his garlic breath as he spoke. "You are even better than your Mother."

He always started with those words.

Then I felt his cold hands on my bare skin. The terror had only just begun but this time I would not feel the pain. I would not feel the terror. I transported myself to the place I wanted to be. A place where the flowers were bright and colorful and the birds sang so sweetly and the breeze was fresh and calm. "Before you know it, it'll be over", I told myself.

But I still felt the pain. My Mother married a beast.

Sunday 17 July 2011


I'm really getting tired of this IT thing. Staying at home for 6 months is no easy thing especially when you're in my kind of house. At first the thought of staying at home for that long was exhilarating but now it's just tiring. I mean I'm glad  i didn't have to go to that school (you know where) for that long but now I'm just yearning for It to end.I've had numerous experiences these past few months.It's not been bad all the way though, in fact,it's been worth it.
On my first day of work, I was so excited that i almost didn't sleep the night before. Even in school when we have to get up at 3.a.m and start walking like zombies to FT on Sundays for service,i never get my clothes ready the night before,oh please, I'm young and i cannot kill myself abeg.Jesus understands. But this time, i had ironed my clothes down the night before and by 4a.m I was already awake! I was that excited.
So i got to work that day and may i mention that i was actually late on my first day of work! But they didn't care, with time i soon discovered that they didn't even care if i came to work every day of the week or not as long as i worked well on the days i went and trust me, i took advantage of that and used it well...i don't dull *wink*. Everybody was nice to me except the only female working working there. i don't know why that woman just loathed me at first sight. And as for me, i didn't even mind her. so the first day was good, I enjoyed it and i was eager to work but as time went on, it became tiring and i started 'stabbing' more.
At first all the men there were behaving like they had never seen a member of the female specie before! Always staring at me, at a point my confidence level rose because i began to feel like i was prettier than Miss world. Then they kept on asking for my number and I gave them all fake numbers but funny enough no one had the guts to question me about it. Maybe they didn't even bother to try the numbers sef and i'm just here hyping myself. After a while, everybody stopped staring at me and asking for my number. i became 'stale gist'..i quite miss the attention in a funny way
Anyways, I've learned many things during this it period. For one, i am now a professional 'busser'. lol. I can bus it anywhere mayne, nothing do me. Well, just because you have a driver that takes you to work and brings you back, it doesn't mean you're any less RAZZ. *rme*  And sometimes, I'd form gangster and bike all the way and my skirts tore a few times at the back,embarrassingly;but just a few days ago, I made an exhilarating discovery on how to climb bikes with skirt and I've been so excited with that discovery that I've worn a skirt everyday since then and taken a bike too and each time i climb d bike successfully without tearing my skirt, i have this goofy smile of accomplishment on my face. I'm not telling you the secret though!
One other thing I have learned is never to ask the conductor for your change in polished English because he'll just ignore you and try to intimidate you. They have done it to me a number of times and it wasn't until I learnt how to speak pidgin and say 'shange' that I started getting my complete change.
In all, it's been a wonderful experience,I've had fun, and learned many things but this is the part where this experience has to come to an end! I am tired of waking up at 5a.m and going to work my ass off. I am tired of siting in dirty buses with different smells and not knowing when the next person would shove his armpit in my pretty little nose(it's quite huge). I just want it to come to an end and go back to my easy, fresh life!

Friday 8 July 2011


 So i'm sitting in this very posh restaurant at this very posh hotel..four points! Hehe. I know many people have been dreaming of going there to have lunch or dinner or something and i'm here fulfilling that dream for you. Let's face facts, the closest you'll get to eating in a posh place is dont be sad. What about CU students that are not lucky enough. The closest they get is mokland hotel. Like really. What a pirry. the building itself is DEAD! I wonder how it'll look inside.I swear i've never been there oh so stop making that face at only see the building at the beginning and end of the semester when my father drops me and picks me up.
So as i was saying,i'm having lunch with my friends at this  restaurant,(by the way i'm the one paying so you can like to respect me mhan. #money speaks) and then a car stops right in front of the door with this screeching sound so wee all turned to look expecting to see a very posh car .Lo and behold it was a yellow and black taxi. As in!And it wasn't even a fresh one at that. it was rugged.then the freshest,finest girl ever(after me) stepped out of this rugged cab. Her dress looked very expensive and it looked like a professional make up artist did her make up just for that afternoon. my friends and i had stopped eating at this point.we were just staring so you can imagine what the men around were doing.
okay so she brings out her blackberry torch and dials a number and then this fresh, fine Alhaji who had come earlier in a white hummer and probably has five wives at home with at least 25 children but obviously has excess money to cater to aristocrats picked up his phone,walked outside and paid the cab man. Then the babe says, "baby just gimme a second and i'll meet you inside". My friend's fork fell on the floor at this point!imagine!calling a fifty-something man 'baby' ke?!..Anyways, "baby" comes back into the restaurant and then the girl collects part of the money back from the driver.i'm sure they planned it from the beginning.She cannot carry last.Her head is there jare. she finally comes in,they eat and then they're touching each other and kissing and doing mushy stuff right there in the restaurant..At this point my friends and i have started eating again but we're putting food in the wrong Finally "baby" and fresh babe pick themselves up and leave and i'm just wondering that if this girl really makes so much money to take care of herself from this her aristo business then why doesnt she have her own car?why is she still jumping black and yellows up and down? Oh i forgot, mummy and daddy must not know. #lowkey.
                                                                                           ....AND LEAVE IN HUMMERS.....

Sunday 3 July 2011



    Then i can like to meet your morra to confirm that lady seriously,if people actually gave birth to children with clothes and all,i wouldn't want to be born with all those gaga stuffs,,lol.nobody would even carry me know how people go, 'awww...your baby is sooo cuute!lemme hold her.' For me,they'll just go, 'oh,that's your baby?' lmao....dont worry, i know what she was really talking about,or do i?
     okay,so really,which would you rather have? beauty or brains? Well,some people are very lucky,they've got both...errm..did you just call my name?  *nowblushing*...okay, okay,it's okay. i know i'm smart and beautiful.hehehe...but really, what's a fine girl without brains? no one is saying you have to be geeky or you have to be on a first class,but at least when you open your mouth to talk,make sure what comes out of that God-given opening of yours makes sense. i can tell you that i've met  many pretty girls in my life.but when they opened their mouth to talk, i'm like "oh dear,why you?". seriously.i can imagine how some guys feel when they sight a very beautiful babe from far.some jelly fish who have no backbone might have even be scoping her for days or weeks trying to figure out in that little head of theirs the best way to approach her and when they're finally gingered up they go to her and then the level of the stupidity of her utterances makes them almost begin to question God.
  I once heard a very pretty girl ask, 'uhm, please is Tanzania in Africa?. if being daft is the price to pay for extreme beauty,some girls would rather stay ugly...would i though??lol... very tough decision. But then again,some very smart girls would give anything to have that beauty. you just meet some very smart girls with faces u don't pray to dream of and you just wonder, 'how did you become so unlucky?'''s really painful.its like their smartness goes unnoticed and so they feel like they don't exist. it's just sad.Nowadays,nobody even wants to hear you speak before they judge you. your appearance now determines whether or not you'll be accepted in the's just very sad...even though i already got both,if i had to choose,it'll be beauty over brains baby!i must not go unnoticed in this world! lol.
  soooo...which would you rather have?